- We are grateful for the grant funding (T365Z160084) provided by the United States Department of Education through the National Professional Development program (Office of English Language Acquisition). Without it these rubrics would not exist.
- Thanks to Tara Fortune and her work on the “Immersion Teaching Strategies Observation Checklist" – having the checklist to draw upon during our initial conceptualization of the rubric greatly facilitated our work.
- The idea of including a “counter evidence” category was borrowed from the Minnesota Educator Dispositions Rubric (MnEDs, n.d.), as well as some of the language describing the three developmental stages.
- Thanks to Stephanie Owen, Coordinator of the master’s level preservice program in elementary education with a focus on DLI at the University of Minnesota. Stephanie had the idea of using color gradations in the rubrics to show growth across developmental stages. She also suggested creating a workbook to support teacher candidates in developing the skills and knowledge reflected in the DLI-specific rubric.
- Thanks to teacher candidates enrolled in the University of Minnesota preservice program (2017–2018 and 2018–2020 cohorts) and their clinical supervisors (Maureen Curran-Dorsano, Alex Giraldo Poveda, Hunter Goetzman, and Ping Peng), for being willing to pilot earlier versions of the rubric and provide us with feedback.
- We are grateful to Roy Lyster for the overall design of the self-assessment rubric and Mike Bostwick, who also provided input on the self-assessment rubric’s design and helped to pilot parts of it with the English immersion teachers at Katoh Gakuen Elementary School in Numazu, Japan.
- We are very grateful to able to offer French versions of the rubrics and workbook. Thanks to Susan Ballinger (McGill University) for securing a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (430-2020-00574) to fund translation by Geneviève Cocke.